Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blue beach

This is the first of my exercise pieces in which I limit my time to 20 minutes tops. Putting a limit on the time stops fiddling and keeps the painting fresh. Being less careful with figures and dogs on the beach can really help technique too. The figures in a painting like this are painted with just a few strokes, the more you do of these the better they will look. If the rest of the painting is nice and loose and brushy then figures should be too - it's no time to be putting on buttons! The imagination of the viewer takes over were the brush leaves off - its the right combination to make a painting interesting.
The painting is of no place inparticular but it could be of a favourite beach near you!
Blue Beach - 35x24cm on acrylic on canvas - ready for framing under glass - will be posted rolled up in post tube.

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